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Future Mental Health Treatment

Despite the unprecedented number of people living with mental illnessin the U.S., only about one-third of those in need of treatment will ever seek professional help. Although traditional psychotherapy is undoubtedly effective for many, some mental health professionals are actively searching for new treatment methods in order to make mental health care more accessible for the general […]

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The Challenge of Neurodegenerative Diseases
Medical advances now mean that people are living longer than ever before. But while this is a wonderful achievement, increased mortality has come with an unexpected downside. Over the years, neurodegenerative disease has risen dramatically. This umbrella term describes painful, debilitating and – ultimately – fatal conditions that are typified by the dysfunction of neurons [...]
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Mental Health Innovation Trends
Technology has been tested and proven effective in many advanced and innovative industries, and is now extending and applying its benefits to more regulated industries such as healthcare. According to Mary Meeker’s Internet Trends 2017 report, healthcare is “at a digital inflection point.” She recognized and attributed this change in part to the increase of data [...]
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Neuroplasticity, Learning and Movement
Dance. Is it mere­ly art?  Is it just recre­ation?  Think again. Dance is now being stud­ied as a path­way to enhance learn­ing.  And, sci­en­tists say, edu­ca­tors and par­ents should take note of the move­ment. Recent­ly at the annu­al meet­ing of the Soci­ety for Neu­ro­science annu­al meet­ing, more than 6,800 atten­dees paid rapt atten­tion to renowned chore­o­g­ra­ph­er [...]
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